Monday, 19 August 2024

2024 AGM Board Election

Notice to all VMSA Men’s Shed members.

2024 AGM Board Election

The VMSA Board Election for 2024 will be held at the Annual General Meeting on the 23rd of October in accordance with the VMSA Constitution.

In accordance with the Constitution, one-third of the board members must retire, which in this case is three board members. Accordingly, Trevor Dobbyn, Graeme Newman and Peter Broomhead will retire. All are eligible for re-election should they choose to re-nominate as they have not reached their maximum term of six years.

A board member appointed by the board holds office only until the end of the next AGM. Accordingly, Greg Male who was appointed during this term will serve only until the end of the AGM and is eligible to re-nominate should he so choose.

There is an additional one unfilled board position to take the maximum number to nine. There are therefore five vacancies at this election.

Nomination of Board Members Requirements
Nominations received by the association must be:

  • Accompanied by a short biographical statement and the consent of the candidate.
  • Endorsed by two members (Sheds); and
  • Given to the Association by notice.

Board members may review the nominees in accordance with a board composition policy and may endorse candidates for election.

Board Nominations
Board nominations are to be submitted by noon on Monday 2 September and should be sent to VMSA Board Secretary Max Finlayson at


Trevor Dobbyn
VMSA Board Chair