Monday, 3 March 2025
Parliamentary Friends of The Men’s Sheds
This month Kylie and Mark had the opportunity to meet with Rob Mitchell MP, Member for McEwen. Rob is the Chair of Parliamentary Friends of the Men’s Sheds, a group of Federal politicians who support our Sheds and the important work that you do to look after each other. Rob is a frequent visitor to the Sheds and recently joined the Diamond Creek MS Christmas party to announce a big renovation grant. Is your local MP part of the Friends group?
Here’s what Rob had to say.
Men’s sheds commitment to community wellbeing
As the Federal Member for McEwen, I am in the privileged position to visit and spend time with many Victorian men’s sheds and see first-hand the benefits they are providing.
Men’s Sheds are a vital space for men of all ages to come together, share their skills, and, most importantly, improve their mental and physical wellbeing. As the Chair of the Parliamentary Friends of Men’s Sheds, I am deeply committed to ensuring that these vital community hubs continue to thrive, and I want to acknowledge the critical role Men’s Sheds play in supporting men’s health and building stronger, more connected communities.
At its core, a Men’s Shed is a place where men can gather in a supportive and social environment to work on practical projects, whether that involves woodworking, metalworking, gardening, or simply sharing a cup of tea with mates. It is a space free from judgment where men can pursue hobbies, learn new skills, and, importantly, combat isolation and loneliness.
Through the work of Men’s Sheds, we’ve seen a significant reduction in the feelings of isolation and depression that many men face. Whether it’s through conversations over a shared project or simply the camaraderie of being with others, Men’s Sheds foster a sense of belonging and connection that is vital for emotional wellbeing.
The sheds in McEwen are amazing at tapping into community need and I have been amazed by the ingenuity they have shown, such as :
The Young Shedmen’s program at Gisborne Men’s Shed.
This has provided a place for some young men from Gisborne Secondary College to access a different place to learn for 4 years. Each year a group of 4-5 Yr 10 students are able to gain some basic skills such as precise measurement, safe use of tools and joinery, as well as how to get along with some old blokes and recognise how important education is.
While they may have originally been looking at leaving school, their experience teaches them how important it is to gain the knowledge and skills needed to find gainful employment.
They undertake projects alongside men’s shed members one afternoon a week which have included building raised garden beds for the local primary school, nesting boxes for various wildlife that make their home at Gisborne Golf Course and leading sessions with visiting primary school groups on woodwork projects.
Members of the shed have acknowledged the benefit of having some youthful enthusiasm around and also the satisfaction of hearing how the experience has been a positive one for the students from themselves, their parents and teachers.
Romsey Men’s Shed T-Model Ford project
The Romsey Men’s Shed were gifted a 1925 Model T Ford by local identity Doug Newham with the proviso it was restored to its original working condition and used by the shed for community events.
It has proven to be a great project for all different members of the shed to become involved in from planning the reconditioning and sourcing parts, mechanical works, upholstery and body work there is a plethora of tasks to become involved in.
They have also set up a GoFundMe page to raise funds for the restoration.
Woodend Men’s Shed
The Woodend Men’s Shed are using every available opportunity at their disposal to raise funds for a new facility, including tapping into a basic need in the community.
Everyone who has spent time in Woodend knows how cold it can get and one of the most popular forms of heating in the area is an open fire. With plenty of access to off cut wood, thanks to the current Shed being located at the old saw mill, shed members came up with the idea of prepping bags of kindling to sell at local hardware stores, with part of the proceeds going to their building fund.
Whittlesea Women’s Shed
Whittlesea Men’s Shed is a great example of a shed providing benefit to the community through its continued involvement in local charity projects, but it has gone one step further with it’s support of the Whittlesea Women’s Shed.
The Men’s Shed have provided the use of their facility to the women’s group on Wednesdays when they are not there allowing them the use of the tools and space, and even providing assistance to develop skills.
The Women’s group is proving extremely popular since it’s inception in July 2024, providing a space for women to come together and gain skills and confidence.
Building stronger communities
These examples illustrate how the Men’s Sheds don’t just benefit the men who attend them—they help to strengthen the wider community. In this way, Men’s Sheds have become an important part of the social fabric, providing practical support while also creating opportunities for men to give back to their communities.
By connecting men with others in their local area, Men’s Sheds also create networks of mutual support that extend beyond the shed itself. These social connections are essential in building a sense of unity and shared responsibility that makes our communities stronger and more resilient.
The Parliamentary Friends of Men’s Sheds is a bipartisan group of Members of Parliament who recognize the important role that these sheds play in improving the wellbeing of men in our communities.
In my role, I have been advocating for greater recognition of the contributions Men’s Sheds make to public health and social cohesion. I believe that Men’s Sheds are more than just hobby spaces; they are key to addressing some of the most significant health and social challenges facing men today. It’s why I work alongside my colleagues to ensure that Men’s Sheds are supported through appropriate funding and policies.
By championing the Men’s Shed movement, we are not only supporting individual men but also helping to create stronger, healthier, and more resilient communities. This is something I believe we can all be proud of and work together to sustain.
Rob Mitchell
Federal Member for McEwen