Join Us: Become a Member of VMSA

Men’s Sheds play a vital role in enhancing the well-being of men in our communities by fostering connections and camaraderie. These spaces offer a welcoming environment where individuals can feel safe, appreciated, and included. We invite organisations across the state that are dedicated to promoting men’s health and well-being to apply for membership, tailored to the unique needs of their communities.

At VMSA, we also embrace Community Sheds, promoting inclusivity and support for all like-minded groups. While our primary focus is on men’s health, we provide a wealth of resources, events, funding opportunities, and programs available to all Victorian Sheds, encouraging Community Sheds to join our membership.

Opening a Shed in Victoria

To become a member of VMSA, please fill our the application form below. Our membership run annually from July 1 to June 30, and we do not offer pro-rate memberships. new applications will be reviewed by our board during the next meeting following submission.

We currently do not provide individual memberships, but we encourage all men to join their local men’s shed.

Benefits of Membership

VMSA is dedicated to providing Victorian Men’s Sheds with a comprehensive range of support and resources, including:

  • Practical Advice and Guidance: Receive expert assistance tailored to the specific needs of your shed.
  • Advocacy and Representation: We advocate for your shed’s interests with government bodies, businesses, and community organisations.
  • Community Promotion: Get support in raising awareness and promoting your shed to the wider Victorian community.
  • Face-to-Face Support: Benefit from personalised assistance through field visits from our dedicated team.
  • Annual Forum and AGM Invitation: Join us for our fully catered annual VMSA Forum and AGM, which includes a $100 travel voucher for sheds located over 100 km away from The Meadows Racetrack in Broadmeadows.
  • Local and Regional Network Support: Access to help in establishing and visiting local and regional shed networks to foster collaboration.
  • Regional Coordinator Support: Work with our Victorian-based Regional Coordinator, who provides local health resources and timely information on National Shed Development Program Grants.
  • State Government Grants Information: Stay informed about the annual Victorian State Government Men’s Shed grants, offering up to $840,000 for eligible sheds.
  • Newsletter and Social Media Updates: Subscribe to the VMSA Shed Talk Newsletter and follow our Facebook page for the latest news and updates on shed activities across Victoria.
  • Information on Additional Grants: Receive guidance on local grants, governance, shed promotion, and community engagement opportunities.
  • Access to Partnerships: Enjoy the benefits of VMSA’s partnerships with corporations and organisations that provide equipment and materials to sheds.

Annual Fees and Payments

We are able to keep the registration fee to a minimum thanks to the support we receive from the Department of Families, Fairness and Housing (DFFH)


Per shed – $55.00 (incl GST)


When membership is approved we will contact you to arrange payment.

Apply for membership

"*" indicates required fields

Shed details

Please provide contact information for your shed
Is your shed a registered charity or not for profit?
VMSA recognises a men’s shed as a volunteer-driven or not-for-profit organisation dedicated to enhancing men’s health and well-being while combating social isolation within the community.
What is the operational status of your shed now?
Does your shed have insurance?
VMSA members need to secure suitable insurance to safeguard the shed and its members from compensation claims or legal settlements related to third-party injuries or property damage. Essential coverage includes, but is not limited to: Public/Product Liability, Voluntary Workers Personal Accident, Association Liability, and Property Insurance
Do you have a constitution or rules of association in place?
Shed address (if you have an operational shed)
Postal address (if different to above or if you don't have an operational shed)
This will be published on our website
This will be published on our website
If applicable
If applicable
If applicable
A men's shed is the group of men that come together to participate in activities where there is a shared interest, that improves and promotes the wellness of its members and the men in the community. Please tell us how your shed is accessible to all men in the local community (this includes the activities you're taking part in, how often you meet and how accessible the venue and activities are to meet the differing needs of men in the community).

Contact information for your committee members

Please provide contact information for the key contact positions in your shed
President name
Vice President
Other Positions

How can our office help you?

This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.