VMSA’s Strategic Goals

The VMSA undertook a substantial review of its strategic direction in 2023-24 to ensure it aligned with the organisation’s primary purpose to promote men’s health through support of its state network of Sheds. The review also aimed to produce a clearly articulated strategy that would encourage future funding from the Victorian Government and other stakeholders to underpin the association’s sustainability.

The new strategic plan was signed off by the board and is built around three strategic pillars:


The VMSA is committed to the best governance policy and practice aligned with the aspirations of its community, its strategy and its resources. We recognise that strong and effective governance is the foundation upon which all other strategic objectives are built and achieved.

Sustainability and Purpose

Central to VMSA strategy is our belief that our business practice must be sustainable if we are to provide long-term value, continuity and support for the Victorian Men’s Shed community. The foundation for this is high community regard and respect for the Men’s Shed’s reputation and brand.

Support for Sheds

Our most vital community contribution is ensuring that VMSA member sheds are able to provide their members with the support, connectedness and networks to promote individual mental health and personal wellbeing.