Update your Shed’s details

Complete the form below to update your Shed’s information. This form will be sent to the VMSA for processing and updating on the website. Please note, changes will not be updated automatically upon submission.

Please note the only *REQUIRED fields to submit the form are Name Of Shed and the Name of the person filling out the form on behalf of the shed and email address. You only need to update the sections on the form that are relevant.

There are two sections:

  • Update your Shed Page on the VMSA website
  • Sharing  updates to help stay connected with the VMSA


"*" indicates required fields

Shed Details - Website Update

Please provide the following information for your shed for that will appear on the website.
Shed address
This will be published on our website
This will be published on our website
This will be published on our website
This will be published on our website
This will be published on our website
Our 'Find a Shed' page allows each shed to showcase its unique qualities. You can include details about your membership, culture, activities, and community—anything that sets your shed apart and makes it special. This will be published on our website

Shed open hours

Please provide the days your shed is open and the closing time for each day of the week. This will be published on the website.

Shed activities

What activities/groups are active in your shed?
Please tell us what activities and hobby groups are active in your shed. This will be published on the website.

This section is for sharing updates to help stay connected with the VMSA

Please fill out this section for the VMSA to update their database. Only fill out what you need to update. This section will not appear on the website.
Postal address
If different from the shed address

Contact information for your committee members

Please provide up to date contact information for the key contact positions in your shed





What is the operational status of your shed now?
If your shed has an active membership, what capacity level are you operating from?
Are you currently accepting new members?
Does your shed have a defibrillator?
Is your shed wheelchair accessible?
Does your shed have a shop / sell its wares online or at local markets?

How can our office help you?

This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.